Thursday, August 6, 2009

Salem Team Day 8

From Sandi: Today was a great day! We have had technical problems with the computer & unable to blog for a few days. Health Camp went well this morning. (See the sign). The people were very receptive to our presentations on health & hygiene, nutrition/food safety, alcohol/drugs/smoking, and on hypertension. The kids really enjoy having their pictures taken & seeing themselves on the camera and learning some English. Tomorrow will be our last day of health camp; we have already completed 3 presentations and this is our second location.
Had a wonderful rest day yesterday--very relaxing and refreshing to get us through the rest of the week.
It is definitely hot here! Occassionally we are able to get something cold to drink, for which we are very grateful. Hard to believe we are almost done--seems like on the one hand that we have been here for a long time, but at the same time, seems like we have just got here & have more to do.

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