Saturday, August 1, 2009


from Jack...

We travelled from Bangalore to our respective project sites, and immediately after the Kalavai team put its gear down in the hotel, a detachment went with Raj to a baptism celebration that was going on in the nearby town of Ranipet. It was amazing!

Dozens of people stepped into the water across a number of different churches that LMI (Life Mission International -- it's "GCC India") and GCC have trained directly, each represented by their pastor who would step into the water with them and
celebrate as they came up. One church brought 37 people for baptism, all of whom have grown up in highly Muslim environments, and after the baptism ceremony, everyone was given a "meal pack" that included high vitamin content water, rice and spicey "pepper water" as a topping.

Baptism participants were given a Bible as well, and the time ended with lots of laughing, talking, and posing for pictures.

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